"be consistently impulsive"


be gentle to your loved one. the one and only at one time. listen to what their heart speaks. walk through whatever it comes ahead with this person. imagine and realise how difficult it would be to be without this one. do not ever let go of your love which is made up of depth, genuineness and innocence. remain stiff as loving who you love, grant it longevity and prosperity. present your passion around this person as if there’s immense sparks in your eyes, as if you were the talkative being when counting the things that you adore about this companion. remember that it is always a conscious effort, to hold your loved one tight, while simultaneously this sense of togetherness could be as powerful as making your love feel liberal and happy as ever. there should involve no regret. you are sober, bold, and empowered. whilst precariously this strength in you is also the most prevalent fragility, as you can never afford to lose the person. not once and not again. don’t be conservative, don’t practise it over and over again, don’t learn from attempt and error due to its uniqueness. extract and perform your love. stay impulsive. consistently impulsive.

Sonata No. 8 in C minor Op. 13 "Pathetique" 2nd movement


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