

You move, you settle and you resettle—weaving your moving atlas

你搬家,你安頓下來,你再出發; 搬家是一趟旅程,當中匯聚你所見所聞,貫穿過去現在。 在《詩梭地圖》中, 每個人的故事和回憶沿線弦編織,形成一座線性矩陣,它代表人們在不同的時間上淺行或遠征—我們不斷在搬家的過程,尋找家;亦反覆不斷地安頓下來或期待下一趟起行的動力。 即便生活在同一片廣遼的天空蒼穹下,我們未必能夠相遇;但直到你將你的遷移旅程與故事編織在其中,我們便能相知,讓生命交錯,將我們搬過的家、走過的旅程合而為一。

《詩梭地圖》描繪和編織了搬家的每一趟旅程,也將糾纏在其中的情感包裹和呈現。 每一條線都代表著每個人的一段遷移旅程,而每一個搬家的決定背後,都印證著人在生命和生活的複雜性。

deTour 2022——《詩梭地圖》
展期:18 Nov - 4 Dec 2022
場地:S313, Staunton, PMQ 元創方

You move, settle, and resettle; this is your journey of moving, through what you SEE and SAW. A collection of stories and recollections is weaved along the threads, and the matrix of threads is formed to represent the fabrication of people’s expeditions in different places across the globe, or within the city, the continuous search for a home, and the on-the-move settlement. This is to visualise your intersections and interactions, that most of you living under the same vast sky might not meet each other until you start to weave, and tell your stories independently as one.

The Moving Atlas not only delineates and weaves the moving journey of people but also envelopes and visualises the sentiments entangled in the process. Each thread represents a moving journey per person and every moving experience denotes a voyage of personal growth, backed by a complicated web of reasons embedded in each moving decision.

deTour 2022——“The Moving Atlas”
Creation: Ceas Chong Suen, Clementine Cheung Hei Man
Collaboration: Zhou Gangyi, Chan Man Ching
Exhibition date: 18 Nov - 4 Dec 2022
Venue: S313, Staunton, PMQ


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